Friday 19 February 2016

Home Remedy Of Insomnia

            Insomnia : unani Treatment

Introduction : Many male And Female Report to Doctor that They are can not sleep totally to whole night. This is Disease called Insomnia.But complaints about Insomnia is  came from female than male. In Unani Medicine has easy solution of the problem.

Insomnia Treatment:      


      Usrool/Raulfia serpentina root       As measurement

Making process: Raulfia root dry well & make it powder form.

Dosage: Take 500mg powder to bedtime with water.


   Darchini /Cinnamom                      3gram

Making process: Now you heat drchini wih 120 ml water properly and filter well.
Dosage :after coldness take the extract adding suger .Take it 2 times daily after meal


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