Monday 22 February 2016

Liquorice : Herbal Antibiotic & reduce gastric ulcer

Unani/Tibbi Name : Aasloos-sus

Bangla Name : Jostimadhu

Hindi/Urdu Name : Mulethi

Scietific Name : Glycyrrhyza glabra Linn.

English Name : Liquorice

Family : Papillionaceae

Part of Used : Root is mainly used for making medicine.

Mizaj : 1st class in Hot& Dry
Colour ; Liquorice root is slightly yellowish.

Taste : Slightly Sweety.

Odour: Good Smell remains in the root.

 Dose : 4-12 grams Should be used

Side Effect : Excessive using of liquorice is harmful for Prostate & Spleen
Pharmacology : There are  many therapeutic benefits of liquorice root.Liquorice has specialy effect to various disease i.e lungs infection,liver toxicity & prostate enlargement. It Expels Toxins from all body and.reduce thrist. Liquorice can any kinds internal  ulcer.

Vasaca: Best Herbs For Fever & Common Cold

Unani/Tibbi Name : Adusha

Ayurvedic Name :  Vasaka

Bangla Name : Basok

 Scientific Name : Adhatoda Vasica Nees

 Family : Achanthaceae

  Description : Vasaca Tree almost 5-6 ft height.Leaves are large & Soft .Flower are White .It has fruit also. Every fruit remains 12-14 seeds. In Bangladesh huge Quantity  of vasaca are cultivated.

  Parts Of Used : Leaves,Rhizome,Flower & Fruits are used in Pharma Industry.
   Mizaj : 1st class in Hot & Dry

  Colour : There are two kinds vasaca i.e White & Black

  Taste : Bitter in Slight

  Odour : Specialy wildy odour.

  Dose : 3 gram for Leaves & Root.

  Side Effect : extra dose should avoided as Herbalist Recommended. It is couse  Impotence and reduce sex drive

  Phamacology : Vasaca specialy  reduces Fever & excessive Phlegm from body. Vasaca    flower reduces tubercolosis symtoms&blood toxicity.It is  effective for UTI.vasaca has cleansing reduces toxin from body.