Monday 15 February 2016

Sajin: Unani Tonic For Sexual Weakness

Brand name:Syrup Sajin
Generic name:Sharbat Jinsin
Description:Syrup Sajin is a Unani Tonic for Nervous Debility.Bangladeshi Hakims and Doctors are suggest this medicine for Physical weakness for nervous debility and lack of sexual desire both male and female.
Active Ingredients:There are 26 herbs used for Surup Sajin Preparation.such as Taj kalmi,Dalchini,Bhangra sobj,zarambad, amla,Chobchini,Amrud,Bojrul bonj,Karanful,Bisbasa,Zoajboa,Bahmon sofed,Sandal sofed,Sumbulut-tib,Saadkufi,Zanjabeel,gongli piyaz,Musli siah,Ajmood,Kalonji,Aswagonda etc
 Indication:Physical weakness,Fatigue and lack of Sexual Desire both male and Female
Dosage:10-20 ml suryp 2 times daily after meal.
contra indication:no contra indication seen


Brand Name:Majun Sohagsooth
Generic Name:Do
Description:Majun is a Unani Term.Majun is one kind of Unani Medicine which contains Semi-solid Paste.So Majun Sohagsooth is a semi-solid preparation.There are 20 herbs used to the medicine.It is special medicine made for women.
Active Ingredients: Majun Sohagsooth contains several herbs such as Zanjabeel,Mogaj Tukme Khorbuja,Mogaj Chironji,Nishasta gandoom,Aswagonda,Musli sofed,Moochras,Satwar,Tejpata,Sandal sofed,Solikha,Dhaiful,Pipul,Filfil siah,Sumbulut-tib,Saad kufi etc
Indication: Majun Sohagsooth Effective medicine for Uteral weakness,Uteral pain during menstruation,Leucorrhoea and Irregular menstruation.
Dosage:5-10 gram two time daily aftar meal
Side effect:Majun Sohagsooth has no side effect.

Syrup Safi:A Unani Medicine For Detoxification

Brand Name:Syrup Safi
Generic Name:Sharbat Musaffi
Description: Syrup Safi is a famous medicine of Hamdard Laboratoies of Bangladesh.This medicine one of saling product of the company.It is so much effective surup preparation of Hamdard Global for detoxification.Syrup Safi is widely prescribing in whole world.Syrup Safi can rapidly detoxify to your body.The Hamdard company was started to production in 1939.Safi mild laxative medicine but no side-effect.
Active ingredients:Syrup Safi contains 22 herbs like Senna,Reuandchini,Kasandi,Tulsi,Turbud  sofed,guahatar,Afsantin,Halila,sandal,narakchor and chirata etc
Indication:Surup Safi Most effective for Boils,Acne,Eczyma,Skin Scar,skin rash and skin dermatitis etc
Dosage:2-4 TSF two times daily of physician advice.