Monday 7 March 2016

Hypothyroidism : Foods To Eat & Foods Avoid

10 Best Herbal Remedies For Thyroid Problems

Kalonji : Remedy to all disease except death

Health Benefits of Black Seed

Introduction: Nigella sativa is a world popular herb which has various name in deffent country.Its unani name kalonji & western name Black seed. It is Black colour so called black seed or black cumin.Kalonji is a very important herb in Islamic histry.So it is called Islamic food&herb in muslim world.Because Prophet Mohammad *(SAW) said about kalonji before 1400 yrs ago that this herb is remedy for all disease except death . Kalonji has miracle healing power especially *kalonji oil* is known for excellent healing miracle result to many diseases.

How can you identify kalonji ?

Kalonji is a unani herb, blue flower and black seeds which are helpful in extracting kalonji oil.The half meter bush is,infact originated in turkey and italy.Kalonji are being eaten for centuries inGulf countries,India,Pakistan &Bangladesh.It is a abundantly found in these area.

Importance of kalonji:

There are rare unani herb which is important as Kalonji.It has many healing doctors are suggesting to consume kalonji or kalonji related product in  worldwide.Scientific reports says kalonji has more than 100 medicinal compounds.It has trusted & proven result in anti-septic,anti-iflammatory,anti-alergy,and blood pressure removing . it is effective for common cold.& frigidity.It incrase sex power both male & female.