Saturday 30 April 2016

Jawani Barane Ka Jabardost Nushkha

Jawani barani ka Nushka

نسخہ الشفاء:
موصلی سفید،ثعلب مصری،بہمن سفید،خولنجاں،اسگندھ،ہر ایک 50گرام
دارچینی30گرام، ریگ ماھی30گرام،عقرقرحا20گرام،تخم کونچ20گرام،گوند کیکر10گرام
ورق چاندی6گرام،مشک خالص3گرام،زعفران خالص 3گرام،شہد خالص آدھا کلو
تمام ادویات کو باریک سفوف کرلیں سفوف کرکے شہد میں ملا کر خوب اچھی طرح مکس لرلیں::معجون جوانی تیار ہے
مقدار خوراک:
3گرام صبح و شام نہار منہ ہمراہ نیم گرم آدھا کلودودھ،صرف پندرہ یوم
جوانی کی غلط کاریوں کی وجہ سے تمام پیدا شدہ نقائص اور کمزوری کا بہترین علاج ہے اعضائے رئیسہ و شرہفہ کے تمام افعال دروست ہو جاتے ہیں مادہ تو لید کی پیدائیش بڑھ جاتی ہے اور رقت دور ہوجاتی ہے اگر استعمال سے پہلے مریض الله سے نیت کے ساتھ توبہ کرکے یقین و اعتماد کے ساتھ::معجون جوانی::با قاعدہ پرہیز کے ساتھ جاری رکھے تو آہستہ آہستہ جوانی کے ولولے اور مسرت و شادمانی کے جذبات اپنے اندرموجود پاتا ہے.
بے حد مجرب و مفید ہے

How Can Treat Sunburning?

           Home Remedies of Sunburning


Sun is a natural source of vitamin D and the exposure to sun to a limit is also health beneficial but the excess of exposure to the skin becomes harmful as it further results in sunburn. It also gives way to many skin problems such as wrinkles and skin allergies. Redness, dehydration and skin inflammation are some of the main symptoms of sunburn. It also results in pain and irritation. Some kitchen products act as effective remedies for sunburn.

Protect Sunburning by Vegetables &foods:

1.Tomato Juice- Take some tomato juice and mix it with buttermilk. The ratio of the mixture should be 1:6. Apply the mixture over the sun burnt areas. It is a wonderful home remedy to heal sunburn parts of body.
2.Cabbage-Collect some cabbage as well as lettuce leaves. Put them in a bowl filled with cold water and then store it in refrigerator. When they become cool, put them over the sunburn areas of the body. It is an effective home remedy for sunburn.
3.Rose Water- Fill the bath tub with cold water and add some drops of rose water in it. Take a bath with that water. In summer days, it not only provides cooling refreshment but also heals sunburns.
4.Tea Bags- For those who have sunburns over cheeks and over chin, use tea bags to treat sunburn.
5.Potato Slices- The thin slices of potato should be placed over the sunburn area as it is helpful remedy for sunburn. Tomato and cucumber slices can also be used in the same way for the treatment of sunburn.
6.Sandalwood Oil- Take some cold water for bath in your bath tub and add a few drops of sandalwood oil in it. It is helpful in cooling down and provides refreshment to the sunburn parts of body. The herbal remedy for sunburn also keeps the healthy balance of body.
7.Vinegar- Take a bucketful of water and add some drops of vinegar in it. Take a soft cotton cloth and dip it in that water. Put this cloth over the face and other parts having sunburns. Remember one thing; it should not be placed over the eyes.
8.Milk- Take some milk and add water in it in 1:1. Soak a cotton cloth in it ands place it directly over the area having sunburns. This herbal remedy for sunburn is a relief provider to the sunburn area.
9.Oatmeal- In your bathing water add 3-4 tablespoons of oatmeal. A refreshing bath with this water puts wonderful effects over body as it heals sunburns easily.
10.Peppermint Oil- 2-3 tablespoons of peppermint oil if mixed with bath water, provides soothing effects to the body. It is one of the finest home remedies for sunburn.
11.Cucumbers Juice- You can extract juice from the cucumber and apply it directly over the skin to get rid of redness and inflammation of the skin. You can also try another thing, as you can take some cucumber juice and add milk in it in equal proportion. Now, dab your skin with this solution. It is helpful remedy to get rid of redness and, burning sensation and puffiness which are main symptoms of sunburn.
12.Onion- Extract juice of an onion and apply this over the sunburn areas of the body directly. It helps to cool down skin and also reduces inflammation.
13.Aloe Vera- Aloe Vera is a well known herb which is used for the treatment of many skin problems. Also, it is the reason that it becomes main ingredient of almost all the beauty care products. It is helpful in reducing inflammation and redness of skin. Apply a few drops of Aloe Vera to the skin over the sun exposed areas before going out in sun. It will act as a protection sheet from the harmful rays of sun. This is one of the best home remedies for Sunburn.

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Home Remedies for skin allergy & itching

                      Home remedies for skin allergies

Allergy, often referred as Hypersensitivity is a state in which the human body gives exaggerated response to some foreign particles or change in climatic conditions. These substances can be differ from person to person and are called allergens. Substances that act as allergen for a person may or may act as allergen for others.


The most common cause of skin allergies is impairment in immune system that occurs due to excess of toxins.Foreign particles that can cause allergy include pollens, dust, cosmetics, and animal hair; poisonous plants, vaccines. Some people are allergic to physical agents that include heat, cold and sunlight.Foods that cause allergy include wheat, milk, eggs, fish and other sea foods, chocolates, tomatoes, oranges and strawberries. If you know, that a particular substance acts a allergen for you, avoid taking it or being in contact with it.Skin allergies can be in the form of rashes,dry skin,itching,boils etc.Three main types of problems associated with skin allergies are dermatitis,hives and prickly heat.

Some Home Remedies:

Lemon juice mixed with coconut oil when applied to the affected area can be helpful in curing skin allergies.
Apply mashed almond leaves to the affected area. This is a very good home remedy for skin allergy
Make a paste of sandalwood with rose water. Apply it on your face for 30 minutes and then wash it off. It is helpful in treating skin allergies.

Some Advices:

Do not change your cosmetics frequently.
You must drink a lot of water to prevent all types of skin allergies. You can also take lemon juice and sherbets.
Intake of fruits and vegetables that have high water content in them also help in curing skin allergies.
Take 1/4 cup vodka, 10 drops of rose oil and 1/2 cup of fresh deep-red rose petals.Add these in two cups of distilled water and apply it on your face. This is a natural home remedy for skin allergies.
People with weak immunity should take food rich in vitamin C. This will make their immunity strong .
Avoid smoking and intake of alcohols.
Rubbing an ice cube over the affected area cools the skin and thus soothes the itch immediately.
Bleached flours exacerbates allergic reactions. So avoid taking everything that is made up of bleached flour.
Don’t take processed foods,processed meat including frozen food.
Apply paste of sandalwood with 1 teaspoon of lime juice to the allergic area. This is a effective home remedy for skin allergies.
Avoid taking white sugar and products made of it as it is chemically whitened which is toxic.
Apply the juice of jambula(Plum) mixed with soda in case of Prickly heat.
Apply 1 tablespoon of crushed poppy seeds in 1 tablespoon of water and lime juice on the affected areas for quick relief. This is a good remedy for skin allergy.
Always use a neat and clean towel to wipe your body.
Take green leafy vegetables as they contain vitamin and minerals that nourishes the skin. This is a natural home remedy that cures from skin allergies.
Every time you go out and come back, wash your face with water. In winters, use Luke warm water.
In case of hives, apply the juice of sarpagandha (Rauwolfia) on the swollen parts to reduce itching.It gives immediate relief.
Avoid foods,substances,drugs that trigger the allergic reaction.
Drinking syrup made up of five grams of garden mint in water and 12 grams of sugar twice a day gives immediate relief. This is a good home remedy for skin allergy.
Take two tablespoons of cider vinegar. Add it in a glass of water.Drink it once a day. This will help in curing from skin allergies.
Application of aloeVera gel over the allergic area will sooth the area and will give a cooling agent.