Sunday 21 February 2016

Testing yourself, to see if arteries are clogged

Doctor reports say you have Blocked Artery! No Problem !! Why?

Nigella Plus Capsule :Prophetic Medicine for Disease

Band name : NigellaPlus capsule
Generic name : Black seed
Scientific name : Nigella sativa
Description : Black seed are using from many many years in whole world. Prophet Mohammad Sallalahu alaihi Wa sallam suggested to take every day as food .HE said  black seed cure all disease without Death.From The encient period black seed has been using for treating many disease. Black seed was discovered in Tutankhamens tomb.The earliest written reffence of Black seed is found in the Book of Old testament.The Greek Herbalist recorded that the seed cure Headache,nasal congestion,toothache and intestinal worm.

Pharmacology : The Black seed contains a non-starch polysaccharide component which is useful source of dietary fober.It is rich in fatty acids,particularly the unsaturated and essential fatty acids(i.e linoleic and linolenic acid) .There are 15 amino acid contains in Black seed.

Theraputic Benefits:
1.Regular intake Nigella plus strengthens immune system
 2.Prevent cold and flu
 3.Increase sex power
 4.Prevent srock risk

Dosage :
For Adult :2 capsule three times daily after meal
For Children:1 capsule three times daily after meal

Side effect:Nigella should not recommended for pregnant mother and under 3 years child.

Iripum Capsule: Best Herbal Medicine For Kidney Infection

Brand Name :Iripum Capsule

Generic Name : Pumpkin 500mg

Scientific name : Cucurbita pepo

Description : Pumkin/Cucurbita pepo L. has been used as a food for at least the last 16000years, based on archaeological evidence in Mexico and North America.The seed contains cucurbitin,phytosterol in free and bound form Bita and g tocopherol and minerals,including selenium.The seeds were used by many defferent aboriginal groups for expelling intestinal worms for killing tapeworms and as adiuretic. The German science commission says pumkin seed very effective for treating urinary and prostate inflammation.

Theraputic Benefits : Iripum Capsule has effective result to

1.Benign Prostate Hyperplasia
2.Bladder Irritation
4.Kidney infection

Dosage: 1 capsule 1-2 times daily after meal
 Side-effect : Iripum capsule has no side effect.