Thursday 17 March 2016

Signs and symptoms of kidney disease - Dr Deepa Jayaram

kidney failure :Which food you should eat?

How To Know If You Have Kidney Problems

Causes and treatment of kidney failure

How An Hakim Treat Your Disease


  unani  treatment procedure

Why disease occure ?
       Acording to unani medicine management of any disease depends  upon the diagnosis of disease.In the diagnosis,clinical festures i.esign,symtoms laboratoryfeatures and mizaj(temperament) are importent.Any cause and as factor is countered by Quwat-e-mudabbira- e-Badan means the power of body responsible to maintain health.the failing of which may lead toquantitatively orqualitative derangement of the normal equibrium of akhlat(humors) of body which constitute the tissues and organs.This abnormal humors leads to pathological changes in the tissues anatomically and physiologycally at the affected site of body and then exhibits symtoms .  This is the mothod of unani systems of medicine of diseese.

Principe of management of disease :

After  diagnosis the disease Hakim apply technique of Usul e ilaj means management of controling the disease. This is determined on the etiology of following pattern.

1.Izala e Sabab means stoping cause of the disease.
2.Tadeel e Akhlat means Trying to normalization humors
3.Tadeel e Aza means trying to normalization of affected tissue or organ

Procedures of treatment of  the disease:

For fulfilment of requirements of principle of management, Hakim is dicided to treatment as per the unani medicine which may be one or more of the following:

1.Ilaj-bit-tadbeer wa ilaj –bil-ghiza(Regimental Therapy) means The disease may be treated by the modification of six essential pre-requisities of health,there are one or more technique may be applying such as Dalaq,Riazat,Hammam,Taleeq,Takmeel,Hajamah,Fasd,Lakhlakha,Bakhur,Abzan,Samoomat,Pashuya,Idrar,Ishal ,Qai,Laza e Muqabil,Imalah & Alteration of food
2.Ilaj-bil-Advia means  by Herbs
3.Ilaj-bil-Yad means treating by Surgery

কীডনীর সমস্যা ও সমাধান

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