Monday 29 February 2016

Home Remedy of Flatulence

                    Home remedy  of  Flatulence

The accumulation of gas in the stomach or intestines can occur as an isolated  event for instance after a meal containing particularly wind- producing foods,or can be a constant ,chronic sign of digestive problem.In the later case ,it may indicate a condition such as diverticulitis or irritable bowel syndrome and these will need to be addressed in order to sort out the cause of the flatulence. There are many unani reciepe for treatment of flatulence.The reciepe can cure your problem.

                             Reciepe for Flatulence

       Taza pudina                              6 gram

        Taza  donia leaves                     6 gram

        Raw ginger                                3 gram

         Gulmorich                                5  pcs

         Salt                                            as need

Making process : all item grind well &make chatney.
Dosage: take the medicine 2 times after meal.             

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